Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hello Dear Friends

Hello again my dear friends,

Im sorry that I have been very slack in the blogging department, unfortunately life had a tendency to spin out of control and i guess I was a little stumped for what to write....
I have noticed from the few blogs that I read all the time that they have retained my interest because while being about the author's day to day life they also have a particular theme to them. You will see what i mean if you flick over to and these two are at the moment my fave blogs, Emma at A Little Crafty inspires me to get 'a little crafty' and Vanessa at Green Ness is making me think a bit more about green organic living. So I have been thinking about what I could write about that will keep you, my friends, coming back and reading more.....

I recently watched Julie and Julia, you know the movie where Julia decides to do a blog on making all of Julia Child's recipes in a year? The movie was sweet (although Julia's (played by Meryl Streep) voice drove me to distraction) and coupled with my shame and disgust to admit that my family has become far too complacent with eating takeout or frozen dinners most nights a week has served to inspire me......
I am a fiend for cook books, recipes and recreating meals that I have had in restaurants....below is a photo of i think about half of my collection of recipes (the box at the front is an old women's weekly box of recipe cards, not sure how many but the index is 52 pages...)
So if you havent guessed already dear friends i will tell you, I am going to set myself a challenge. My challenge is to cook dinner using a recipe from my collection every night and then blog the recipe, rate how easy or hard it was (1 being easy 5 being hard) and the family's reaction. If im not super busy that day you may find a few recipes that I have had time to play with...

We are as a society are becoming far too dependent on the fast and easy meals, whether they be from the golden arches or from the frozen section of the supermarket... I hope my blog can serve as an inspiration for you and your family's dinner choices...